“It’s hard to imagine life without youth group. There has always been people to talk to if I am having a rough time, and I have made a lot of lifelong friends along the way.”
A rewarding role managing our well-established and much-loved youth group for 18 to 25-year-olds who are autistic without a Learning Disability. The youth group provides a relaxed, nurturing, and empowering space for members to socialise and build confidence, friendships, and independence. Typically, the members attend mainstream college or employment and are seeking to become more independent and connected.
You will coordinate the youth group and line manage one Youth Support Worker and a group of volunteers. You will enable young people to engage with peers, build friendships, become more independent, and organise and lead sessions themselves.
Weekly working hours are Wednesdays 6PM – 9:30PM, during school term-time only (39 weeks per year). An additional 1.25 hours per week is provided for planning, admin, occasional staff meetings, or training – this additional time may be accrued and used when needed.
Professional experience in leading group work with young people/adults is essential. The successful candidate must be able to nurture and enable young people on the autism spectrum, be a good leader, be very organised, can model and encourage good social skills, and work independently and responsibly with a sense of fun.
To … Read more »
We are a small local charity and rely on donations and volunteers to sustain our “lifeline” services to autistic young people and their parents/carers.
We rely on donations and grants. Please donate whatever you can – your support will help us to continue to make a difference to the lives of autistic children and young people and their families.
Please CLICK HERE to donate – thank you.
There are many ways you can fundraise – it can be a big or small event. Ideas include:
A sponsored event challenge – it could be a walk, run, skip, or another challenge – big or small.
Nominate us as a charity to benefit from an event – for example a school fete, corporate event, or musical/theatre production.
Sell goods – a cake sale, car boot sale, or Spring Clean and donate the proceeds from your sales.
Set up a regular donation via Standing Order – please set this up via your bank or EMAIL US for assistance or a form.
Request donations instead of gifts at an occasion, for example, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries or Christmas.
Leave a legacy in your will. Please EMAIL US for details.
Assist us with a fundraising event – help with administration, publicity, and running the event.
Download resources to get started with your fundraising idea.
Download these resources … Read more »
For those with a child with autism you may already been in a position where you have had to explain the nature of autism and its associated behaviours.
The FREE credit card sized Autism Alert Card can be carried at all times and can be displayed if you or your child/young person are in a situation where you cannot easily explain about the condition or you need assistance.
The card will also assist any police or emergency service to identify that they are engaging with someone who has autism.
We have secured some funding, so currently the card is completely free and we provide the postage and packaging (this may change in the future).
Please email us at info@afso.org.uk and include the following information (DO NOT POST THIS INFORMATION):
Name of Child
Child’s Date of birth
Your name
Your Postal Address (including postcode)
District Council area: SODC, VOWH, Cherwell, West or City
You may need to check your download folder for the application form, or try opening in Microsoft Edge rather than Google Chrome.
If you have any queries about the activities please contact us
on activities@afso.org.uk 07929 379124
We know our Activities do not cater for everyone, as we are limited by funding. However, several other groups run activities during school holidays and term time. For details of what is available across Oxfordshire check out the Oxfordshire County Council
Local Offer website and Family Information Directory.
Information about Short Breaks Providers can be found here