We are proud to be working again with
Turtle Key Arts, and the Faculty of Music – University of Oxford
to deliver this years’ Turtle Opera
A 9 week Project
for young people aged
11-15 years old
who have an autism diagnosis and are sufficiently independent to work well in a community group setting.
Dates: nine Saturdays (2-5pm) from 20th April to 15th June 2024
Times: 2-5pm
Venue: The Ogston Music School, 24A South Parade, Summertown, Oxford, OX2 7JN
Cost: Free
Deadline for applications: Sunday 31st March 2024
We are looking for a new group of young people to participate in this
wonderfully creative project.
The participants will work together to discuss and create a group performance,
working with a professional composer, designer and music students from
University of Oxford.
The Project will use a variety of creative methods and disciplines.
The project will end with a group performance on the last session.
Further information and online application can be found https://www.turtlekeyarts.org.uk/turtleoperaoxford
Closing Date for applications:
Sunday 31st March 2024
For those with a child with autism you may already been in a position where you have had to explain the nature of autism and its associated behaviours.
The FREE credit card sized Autism Alert Card can be carried at all times and can be displayed if you or your child/young person are in a situation where you cannot easily explain about the condition or you need assistance.
The card will also assist any police or emergency service to identify that they are engaging with someone who has autism.
We have secured some funding, so currently the card is completely free and we provide the postage and packaging (this may change in the future).
Please email us at info@afso.org.uk and include the following information (DO NOT POST THIS INFORMATION):
Name of Child
Child’s Date of birth
Your name
Your Postal Address (including postcode)
District Council area: SODC, VOWH, Cherwell, West or City
Details will be sent by EMAIL to all parents and professionals on our mailing list, and on our website.If you are not sure if you are registered with us or have changed your email address please email us: info@afso.org.uk